Welcome to Wellington Warm Place Somerset.
Warmth, shelter, and food aren’t things that anybody should have to worry about finding for themselves. As the cost of living remains high, people in the town are continuing to come together to offer help where it is needed.
Since October 2022, the Baptist Church hall on South Street has opened its doors every Thursday (9.30am to 7pm Oct-March & 11.30am to 2pm March-Oct). You are most welcome to come along and just sit and be in a warm place, maybe meet and interact with others, or have a tea or coffee.

In addition, we would be delighted to host you for lunch (all year round) or supper (Oct-March only). You can book your place by - clicking here.
If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to email us wellywarmplace@wbchurch.biz, or call the church office on 01823 663713 and we’ll see how we can help.
Warm Place has been set up with the simple aim of showing love to the community of Wellington, and we look forward to seeing you soon.